Manage Organisations
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Tenant Administrators can add Organisations to their Tenancy by navigating to Organisations on the left-side menu of the SVX Portal. Select the Add new organisation button. You will be presented with a form consisting of the following fields:
Organisation name
Organisation URL
Associated schemas (made available to Organisations)
Logo upload
Note Associated schemas: For more information on creating, managing and assigning schemas to Organisations, see the tutorial Credential Schemas.
Once all required fields are complete select the Add button and the Organisation will appear in the list.
Note The Tenant Administrator who creates the Organisation will automatically become the Organisation's first Administrator. This allows you to invite other Organisation Administrators to join. It also provides you with access to the Organisation's context by clicking on the Organisation's name in the list.
After entering the Organisation's context, you will be asked to set up the Organisation's passphrase. Meeco strongly advises that you do not set up the Organisation's passphrase. Instead, allow a known, invited member of the Organisation to set up the passphrase when they first log in to the Portal. For more information, see the Onboarding and Organisation Setup tutorial.
To view the details of an Organisation within a Tenant, navigate to Organisations on the left-side menu of the SVX Portal. Locate the Organisation in the list and select the horizontal ellipsis icon ⋯ alongside the Organisation’s name to reveal menu options. Select View. You will be presented with a Details screen that lists the following information:
Organisation Name
Organisation URL
Organisation ID
Organisation DID
Associated Schema(s)
To edit the Organisation’s details, select the Edit button from the Details page or select Edit from the horizontal ellipsis icon ⋯ alongside the Organisation’s name. The information will be presented as an editable form where you can update / change the following information:
Organisation Name
Organisation URL
Associated Schema(s)
When complete, select Update to save changes, or Cancel to discard changes.
Note The Organisation’s ID and DID cannot be edited. These are system-generated identifiers that remain with the Organisation once it is created.
To archive an Organisation within a Tenant, navigate to Organisations on the left-side menu of the SVX Portal. Locate the Organisation in the Current Organisations list and select the horizontal ellipsis icon ⋯ alongside the Organisation’s name to reveal menu options. Select Archive and confirm the archiving of the Organisation via the modal window. The Organisation will be removed from the Tenant, and will be moved to the Removed Administrators tab.
Note Archiving an Organisation: Once removed from a Tenant, all associated Organisation Administrators will no longer be able to access the Organisation or its functions, this includes the management of:
Credential Templates
Credential issuance and revocation
Verification Templates
Request for Credentials
Connection with End Users
Applications Note that Organisations can be reinstated if required and full functionality will be restored.
To reinstate an Organisation to a Tenant, navigate to Organisations on the left-side menu of the SVX Portal. Locate the Organisation in the Archived Organisations list and select the horizontal ellipsis icon ⋯ alongside the Organisation’s name to reveal menu options. Select Reinstate and confirm the reinstating of the Organisation via the modal window. The Organisation will be reinstated to the Tenant, and will be moved to the Current Administrators tab.
To view an Organisation within the Organisation's context you must first be an Administrator of the Organisation. While Tenant Administators can add themselves as Organisation Administrators, without an Organisation's passphrase you will have limited access to the Organisation and its functionality within the Portal. To obtain full access to the Organisation, you will need to enter the Organisation's passphrase.
Note Meeco strongly advises that you first obtain consent from the Organisation to be added as an Administrator. After obtaining the Organisation's passphrase, you will be able to undertake actions on behalf of the Organisation.
For more information, see the following tutorials: Manage Organisation Administrators and Onboarding and Organisation Setup.