Setting up Access
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This guide contains step by step instructions on how to create user accounts for the Vault and the Keystore.
The Keystore is where a users stores their secrets and encryption keys.
The Vault is where users store their encrypted user data. User data cannot be decrypted and read by anyone but the user.
Once the user has been authenticated a mobile/web application interacts with the Vault and Keystore to securely store user's data and encryption keys. The mobile application and/or its backend will perform calls to the Vault and Keystore. Generation of various keys, data encryption, and decryption will also happen on the client side. In order to simplify the client side cryptography Meeco has developed an open-source library which implements the required cryptographic routines.
We've called it "Cryppo", and you can read about it and the languages it's available in on the Cryppo page on this documentation site
Encryption of data and keys on the client side before it is sent up to the Keystore or Vault is an important part of the flow and infrastructure. By never sending unencrypted data to the services the layer of trust needed in a given service is greatly diminished and the likelihood of the data being decrypted by a nefarious entity should a data breach occur is extremely low.
For this guide, in order to emulate client behavior we will use the Meeco-CLI to setup access to the Vault and Keystore and the Cryppo-CLI to generate keys and encrypt/decrypt some data.
By the end of this guide, after reading and executing the scripts you will learn about which cryptographic keys exist for a user, and how they are encrypted and stored safely in the Keystore. The guide also demonstrate how keys are encrypted and decrypted.
Download the Meeco-CLI and the Cryppo-CLI and follow the installation instructions for each tool. If you'd like to read more about the tools, you can find each description page in the Tools section on this site.
To explain what is required to access the Meeco Vault, we're going to look in detail at what the Meeco CLI does when you create a new user.
The CLI uses a Secret Key in combination with your user entered passphrase to generate both an encryption key and a password. The password is then used to authenticate using Secure Remote Password protocol - otherwise known as SRP.
Below is a diagram that explains the flow.
The above command fires off a series of calls to the various Meeco APIs
'Generating username'
Firstly, we request a random username. It is a string that looks like M9znjHbD5Xi
We also need to generate a random "Secret" that looks like the following: xQCSCK-8A1d6d-emUjx8-YVGDcT-UhctWy-2rfHyv-7JNAgh-9
We combine the username and the secret, and prepend a version number to it. The resulting string is known as the "Secret Key" and takes the following form: 1.M9znjHbD5Xi.xQCSCK-8A1d6d-emUjx8-YVGDcT-UhctWy-2rfHyv-7JNAgh-9
Now that we have our secret key, it's time to derive the credentials that we need in order to create our user.
We use the user's passphrase - supersecretpassword
from the CLI command - and use the "Secret" as a salt to generate the "Passphrase Derived Key" (PDK). The PDK is later used to encrypt the "Key Encryption Key" (KEK). The passphrase derived key ends up looking like the following string: 24rdL_ugryujjDLcvwt00ARWWMCF4kk4gJETJy6yRjs=
We also generate an "SRP Password" which uses the reverse of the Secret Key as a salt.
We're now ready to create a Keystore account.
''Create SRP keystore user'
The CLI uses the SRP Password and the SRP username in order to create a salt and a verifier, and sends this plus the SRP username to the Keystore API.
Now, the CLI is going to log into the Keystore via SRP.
'Requesting SRP challenge from server'
From here, the server generates a challenge from that salt, and sends it back to the client (in this case, the CLI) to solve. Once the proof has been computed from the challenge,
'Creating SRP session with proof'
The server receives the solution and verifies it, which sends back a Keystore authentication token. Login to the Keystore is complete!
Now we can access the Keystore, generate keys to store in there, and request external admission tokens from it so that we can eventually access the Vault.
'Request External Admission Tokens from the Keystore'
It is time for the CLI to get the required token so that it can get access to the Vault.
In order to restrict users from creating more than one user account in the Vault, the vault account is created using an admission token we request from the Keystore. The Keystore will request an admission token from the Vault on behalf of the user:
This is how the CLI does this behind the scenes:
The response contains the Vault API admission token, which the CLI will use later to get access to the Vault
'Generate and store key encryption key'
The key encryption key (KEK) is a special encryption key which is used to encrypt all of the user’s other keys (data encryption keys and keypairs). There is only one KEK per user.
The CLI uses the cryppo
library to generate a new random key, and then encrypt and serializes it with the PDK from the earlier secert key steps.
To do this manually, you can use the cryppo-cli
library by using the following command with the unencrypted KEK you can find in the user's YAML file that the CLI creates in the root of the CLI directory:
The resulting encrypted KEK looks like this: Aes256Gcm.3EvCOUWD-zsHfe5hvrsMcppHx14SOMHXrEZC4Eyfw3s2JpvrIQRAH5Ydqcc=.LS0tCml2OiAhYmluYXJ5IHwtCiAgSVdjQ0M1ZC9FeHdRSVVFMAphdDogIWJpbmFyeSB8LQogIFN0L1o5QTZOMCswczBWQXgxcjQ0Rmc9PQphZDogbm9uZQo=
If you look at the serialized encrypted KEK you might notice it contains 3 parts concatenated with dots. This is the serialization format of cryppo
. If no derived key is used, each such string contains 3 parts concatenated with a dot:
Encryption strategy name
Encrypted data encoded with Base64
Encryption artefacts serialized into a hash converted to YAML, then encoded with Base64
The CLI now stores the serialized and encrypted KEK in the keystore.
Response from the server:
'Generate and store data encryption key'
Data Encryption Keys (DEKs) are used to encrypt data. A user can have different data encryption keys used for different purposes.
For instance, you will have one for encrypting Vault data, and one per Connection that you create with a user.
To store a DEK we need to encrypt it with the Key Encryption Key.
This follows the same general form as generating and encrypting the KEK, but this time, we encrypt the DEK with the KEK instead of the PDK.
As with the KEK, we store the DEK in the Keystore. The CLI uses the following API call:
'Generate and store vault key pair'
A user can have many keypairs for different purposes. A keypair can be tagged by the client to specify what the keypair is used for.
We will generate a keypair which we'll use for authentication into the Vault.
Keypairs are stored in the following fashion:
Public keys are stored unencrypted
Private keys are encrypted with the Key Encryption Key
The CLI will do the following:
Decrypt the encrypted KEK with the Passphrase Derived Key
Generate a RSA keypair with cryppo
Extract the public key
Encrypt the private key with the KEK
The cryppo-cli
code that does the above looks like this:
The CLI now has the encrypted Private Key ready to be uploaded to the Keystore
Let's store the keypair. We will later use it for accessing the Vault, therefore we'll tag it with vault
'Create Vault API User'
Here, the CLI is using the admission token that it got from the 'Request External Admission Tokens from Keystore' step earlier on.
Importantly, this call is made to the Vault API instead of the Keystore API
An admission token can only be used once. You can think of it like a ticket for a plane ride - once you're in, you can't use it again! To create a vault user account we'll submit:
The admission token
The public key from the keypair we generated.
The response is as follows:
The response contains
ID of the user in the Vault
an encrypted session token
To decrypt the encrypted session authentication token, the CLI feeds the private key and the encrypted session authentication token into cryppo
The Cryppo-CLI can do this for you with the following command.
The output is then used in the next step for creation the encryption space for the new User.
'Update Vault Encryption Space'
The final job for the CLI is to create a new encryption space for the user. This is a DEK identifier.
Once decrypted, encrypted session token can now be used with the Authorization
header to work with the Vault.
The Login flow has been completed, and now you can use the token to try out the API calls in the Vault at the Meeco Developer Portal playground for the Vault
If you created a user in the CLI, you can use the tokens and keys in the metadata section of your .user.yaml
files to try out more API requests.