Verification Templates

Create a verification template

Verification templates form the basis of verification requests which Organisation Administrators can send to Holders when verifying credentials. Verification templates define the structure and type of credentials requested from Holders and can be used for endless verification requests. An Organisation Administrator can create a new verification template by navigating to Credentials on the left-side menu of the SVX Portal, and selecting Verification templates.

After selecting the Create verification template button, you will be presented with a form. The form consists of the following fields:

  • Template name

  • Purpose

  • Required credential

    • The credential schema

    • Which Issuer the credential is issued by

  • The option to add required credentials

Once all required fields are complete, select the Create button and the verification template will appear in the Active templates list.

View a verification template

Organisation Administrators can view a verification template by navigating to Credentials on the left-side menu of the SVX Portal, and selecting Verification templates. Locate the verification template in the list and select the horizontal ellipsis icon ⋯ alongside the template’s name to reveal menu options. Select View template. You will be presented with the following information:

  • Template name

  • Template ID

  • Purpose

  • Credential schema

  • Issuer

  • Date created

Archive a verification template

To archive a verification template, navigate to Credentials on the left-side menu of the SVX Portal, and select Verification templates. Select the Active templates tab and locate the verification template in the list. Select the horizontal ellipsis icon ⋯ alongside the template’s name to reveal menu options. Select Archive template and confirm the archiving of the verification template via the modal window. The verification template will be removed from the Organisation, and will be moved to the Archived templates tab.

Note Archiving a verification template: Verification templates can be reinstated if required and full functionality will be restored across the Organisation.

Reinstate a verification template

To reinstate a verification template navigate to Credentials on the left-side menu of the SVX Portal, and select Verification templates. Locate the verification template in the Archived templates tab and select the horizontal ellipsis icon ⋯ alongside the template’s name to reveal menu options. Select Restore and confirm the reinstating of the verification template via the modal window. The verification template will be restored to the Organisation, and will be moved to the Active templates tab.

Last updated